Detail of the hotel room | Maritim Hotel am Schlossgarten Fulda
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Legal Information

The Maritim Hotelgesellschaft mbH, Bad Salzuflen, (Maritim) continually does its utmost to ensure the information contained within this website is both accurate and up to date. Nonetheless, Maritim accepts no liability and makes no guarantees for the validity, accuracy or completeness of the information available.
Maritim Hotelgesellschaft mbH, Bad Salzuflen, is not liable for any direct or indirect damages incurred as a result of, or in connection with information contained within this website.
The Maritim Hotelgesellschaft mbH, Bad Salzuflen, reserves the right to modify the available website content at its discretion and without prior notice.

The Maritim Hotelgesellschaft mbH, Bad Salzuflen, accepts no liability and makes no guarantees with regards to content of internet sites that are referred or linked to either directly or indirectly from Maritim's website. Visitors following connections to other websites and pages do so at their own risk and are bound by the terms of use of the websites and/or pages in question.

All content, including but not limited to text and images, made available on the Maritim website is and remains - unless otherwise stated - the copyrighted/intellectual property of the Maritim Hotelgesellschaft mbH, Bad Salzuflen. Any duplication, distribution, storage, sending, reproduction or transmission of content for commercial purposes without prior written permission from the Maritim Hotelgesellschaft mbH is strictly forbidden.

Furthermore, the hotel uses images from MEV Verlag GmbH, which are protected by copyright. These must not be downloaded or used by third parties for commercial purposes.

Responsible for content according to German regulation § 18 Abs. 2 MStV

Roland Elter (V.i.S.d.P)
Chief Commercial Officer (CCO)
Külpstrasse 2
64293 Darmstadt
Tel.: + 49 (0) 6151 905-694
Fax: + 49 (0) 6151 905-708

This website contents offers from Maritim Hotelgesellschaft mbH, Herforder Strasse 2, 32105 Bad Salzuflen, Germany. 

Service Provider
Maritim Hotelgesellschaft mbH
Herforder Strasse 2
32105 Bad Salzuflen
Tel.: + 49 (0) 5222 953-0
Fax: + 49 (0) 5222 953-277


Martin Friedrich
Roland Elter
Erik van Kessel

Supervisory board

Dr. Monika Gommolla (chairwoman)
Thomas Klein 
Christel Brandt
Hartwig Just
Ulrike Kribben
Udo Luerssen
Peter G. Scholz
Dirk Himmelmann
Claudia Huber
Simone Nowak
Hans R. Schaden
Arnd Unger

Commercial Registry
AG Lübeck HRB 227 BS

Sales Tax Identification Number
DE 811272180

Inspecting Authority
Inspecting Authority for Restaurants and Bars in the hotels is the Municipal Public Affairs Office of the relevant city.

Extended application 
This legal notice is valid not only for, but also for the corporate pages of the individual Maritim Hotels on Facebook to which this page links.


Conception, Artwork and Programming

avenit AG - Internetagentur
Marlener Strasse 2
77656 Offenburg
Tel.: + 49 (0) 781 919369-0
Fax: + 49 (0) 781 919369-99
E-Mail :

Please click here for information pertaining to our Data Protection Policy.

Please click here for our Terms and Conditions.

Note about the absence of a right of withdrawal

In general consumers in distance contracts are entitled to a withdrawal within two weeks. However, this rule does not apply to the booking of accommodation services for a specific date or period (§ 312g para. 2 no. 9 BGB). Thus, such a revocation does not exist here. Please therefore note the cancellation policies applicable to your booking.

Dispute Resolution

For the extra-judicial settlement of consumer disputes, the European Union has set up an Online Dispute Resolution platform (ODR platform), which is available for your use. The platform can be visited at Our email address is:

The Maritim Hotelgesellschaft mbH does not participate in dispute settlement processes conducted by consumer dispute arbitration boards.